
Some fun little experiments with AI


Here are some of my earlier experiments with AI. 

First two is an attempt to color old Dolcett images with AI. 
It worked really well I think, just needed some redraws and cleaning, but large parts worked flawlessly.  

(If you don't know who Dolcett is he made some of the most popular meat girl/snuff girl comics, and is easy to find  on google). 

The third one is a little attempt of altering 3D images to a high degree with AI and to use my earlier drawn work as a reference. Was fun, but took way to long to be double as it is now. 
Same with the fourth and fifth, but so a much smaller degree. 

Dolcett Images with April O'Neil from TMNT.

3D to Toon (Diana and Roxy)

3D improvements


Autassassinophilia Girls (Diana and Roxy) [Page 1 - 5]

Here are the first five pages of my new comic "Autassassinophilia Girls". 
It has 28 pages (over a 100 single images) this far, one bonus extra bad ending, and an extra continuation of another tasty scene. Will post more free pages in the future. 

To get a hold of the rest of the pages earlier and the bonus scenes, you can support me on these sites (and help me buy time so I can make more): 

A friendlier BDSM version can be read here:


BBQ Girl remake (+News)

I have started on my 3D version of Diana and Roxy, 
it has over 100 images spread over 28 pages this far. 
Will start releasing free versions of it soon. 

Early Access and support: